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الشعارات الجاهزة الحصرية للبيع من Ihsan Desain

الإجمالي: 16
شعار القهوة الصحية

This logo is a combination logo of a coffee bean icon and a health icon that is visually formed from a graphic line. Carrying a minimalist concept, simple but looks elegant. This logo is very flexible for general logos, drinks, food stalls, herbal medicines and others.

AED 918

حرف B وشعار التكنولوجيا

This logo is formed from two combinations, namely, the letter B and the technology connection icon (USB). The letter B stands for the initials of the brand name and the USB connection stands for technology. With visuals formed from graphic lines, this logo displays a minimalist impression but looks modern, sophisticated and futuristic.

AED 551

تاج فاخر وشعار القلم

This logo is a combination logo of a crown and pen icon with a minimalist concept but looks elegant. Featuring a luxurious visual, this logo is suitable for a logo for stationary, education, beauty salons and other general companies

AED 551

شعار القلم واللوتس

This logo is a combination logo of a pen icon and a lotus icon formed from graphic lines. With a minimalist concept but looks elegant, this logo displays a luxurious character, whose visually the lotus icon forms like a crown.

AED 551

حرف S وشعار القلم

This logo is a combination logo of the letter S and a pen icon formed from graphic lines with a minimalist but elegant concept. This logo is suitable for a logo for education, media, digital platforms, printing, stationery stores and other general companies.

AED 551

حرف P وشعار الدردشة

visual letter P and message icon, this logo is made up of interconnected graphic lines, simple but elegant. This logo is suitable for a digital logo platform, software, technology and general logos

AED 551

حرف S وشعار Eco Tech

Displaying a natural visual, this logo is formed from three combinations namely, the Letter S, a leaf icon and a technology icon. Carrying the concept, natural and modern. This logo is suitable for a herbal logo, research logo, botanical logo, technology logo and other common logos.

AED 551

شعار الماس والحصان

Featuring a minimalist yet elegant visual, this logo is formed from graphic lines forming a diamond combined with a horse icon. This logo is suitable for a sports logo, e-sport logo, jewelry logo, technology logo, animal logo, automotive logo and other common logos.

AED 551

حرف G وشعار الحصان

Formed from graphic lines, this logo features a combination of the letter G and the Horse icon. With a minimalist concept but looking elegant and simple, this logo is suitable for a sports horse logo, e-sport logo, animal logo, and other general company logos that match the initials of the logo.

AED 551

حرف A وشعار الريشة

Featuring a sporty visual, this logo is formed from a combination of the letter A and the shuttlecock icon with a minimalist but elegant look. This logo is suitable for a sports logo, media, sales of sporting goods and other general company logos

AED 551

شعار التاج والرسالة

Featuring a luxurious visual, this logo is formed from two combinations, namely the message icon and the crown icon. This logo is suitable for digital application logos, social media platforms, technology and other logos in general. With a minimalist abstract concept but looking elegant, this logo offers the impression of luxury, modernity and professionalism.

AED 551

شعار موسيقى البطريق

Featuring a playful visual, this logo is made up of a penguin and a musical instrument. This logo is suitable for a music, entertainment, media and digital platform logo for children.

AED 551

حرف R وشعار الماس

This logo features the letter R and the diamond character with a minimalist but elegant look. Formed from interconnected lines, this logo conveys a message of connection and relationship. Forming the letter R which is the initial for a logo and diamonds are defined as luxury. This logo is suitable for a company logo that is engaged in buying and selling jewelry, fashion, entertainment and other public companies.

AED 551

شعار نقاش الموسيقى

This logo is a combination logo of the Music Note icon and the Message icon with a minimalist but elegant look. This logo displays a visual easy, soft yet character. This logo is suitable for a music logo, platform application, fashion, cafe and a very flexible logo for a general logo.

AED 551

حرف Z وشعار التكنولوجيا

Featuring a technology character, this logo is formed from two combination icons, namely the letter Z and the technology icon. With the dominant blue color, this logo conveys a message of professionalism and effectiveness. This logo is suitable for a computer logo, network, internet, social media platforms, general logos and others.

AED 551

شعار الفيل والحب

This logo is a combination logo of elephant and heart characters with a minimalist concept but still looks elegant. Displays a red visual meaning, energetic, strong and high ambition. This logo is a flexible logo, suitable for animal logos, business, community and other logos

AED 551
